Smartphones and tablets damage the neck

Discomfort caused by bending the neck for an extended period of time can be a precursor to permanent arthritic damage if left untreated, scientists warn.

One of the main reasons for such repetitive movements is new technologies such as smartphones, and tablets. They are gaining more and more popularity, and people use them all the time.

In some cases, the muscles manage to adapt to the incorrect position of the body, which causes pain when straightening the neck. Physiotherapists explain that more and more patients with a similar condition come for treatment. It can lead to pain in the head, shoulder, arm, and wrist.

Rachel Lancaster, of Freedom Back Clinics, in Leeds, UK, explains that this condition is reached because our neck is not designed to be in a bent position for a long period of time. So – staring for hours at a screen strains muscles and leads to injuries.

“Imagine sitting for 10 minutes on your bent leg. You will feel pain and numbness when you return it to its natural position,” adds Lancaster.

This is exactly what happens to our neck when it is bent in a certain position for a long time. At some point, however, the body can adapt to the posture and hunch over. In addition, the health consequences can be serious.

The condition could be avoided by taking regular breaks from the screen, during which we should keep our chin upright. Moving your shoulders as well as a more upright head position when texting will also help.

Children are most at risk, whose bodies are still developing, and such complications can lead to serious problems in the future.